Cosmetic Dentistry in Hot Springs, AR
Health Beauty Comfort


Tooth Sensitivity to Cold

Ouch! Maybe it’s a fresh smoothie, a spoonful of ice cream, or even just a sip of ice water—but there it is, throbbing tooth pain. There are many reasons why you might be experiencing tooth sensitivity to cold. Fortunately, you can take several steps to remedy this yourself, including checking with your dentist. More

Tooth Sensitivity to Cold

The Gift of Giving

As the holiday season continues in full effect, a lot of people get in the mood for giving. With Thanksgiving just over, you probably ate so much that you envy cows and their four stomachs. But before you delve into eggnog, cookies, prime rib, and fruitcake (Well, we aren’t sure anyone has eaten fruitcake in the last two decades, but it’s synonymous with the holidays, so…), you should consider donating to a charity. With so many charities to choose from, it can be hard to make a decision on what cause you want to be apart of. Below are a few charities that focus on dental needs. More

The Gift of Giving

Should You Keep Flossing?

It’s been six months since your last teeth cleaning. You arrive at your appointment and get called to head to the back by your hygienist. As she begins cleaning your teeth, she asks the question we all dread. “How often do you floss?” If you’re like many people, you might stretch the truth, or justify telling a white lie since you DID use a toothpick after dinner a few nights back. More

Should You Keep Flossing?

How Does Diabetes Affect Your Mouth?

Diabetes affects every aspect of your life. From ensuring your blood sugar is at the right level to keeping up with regular exercise, managing diabetes is no easy task. You must be aware of many complications that can arise from diabetes, and your oral health is no exception. Since it’s National Diabetes Month, we have provided information and tips to consider regarding the relationship between diabetes and your oral health. More

How Does Diabetes Affect Your Mouth?

Four Rare and Interesting Dental Anomalies

Everyone knows the saying, “Curiosity killed the cat.” Do cats have a saying for us? If they could talk, it would be along the line of, “Curiosity drives humans crazy until they find out what they’re looking for.” In the dental world, there are many fascinating cases and conditions to find out about. Here are four dental oddities that will more than satisfy your curiosity for the time being. More

Four Rare and Interesting Dental Anomalies
Contact Porter Dental Health

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Dr. Porter and Dr. Will, along with their team are are highly qualified and trusted in this community. With over 200 5-star reviews online, our competence and credibility can’t be doubted. So don’t wait to call. Make an appointment today!

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Dental Health Office in Hot Springs, AR

1919 Malvern Avenue
Hot Springs, AR 71901

  • Monday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • (lunch 12-1pm)
  • Thursday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Friday By Appointment Only
  • (may vary in the Summer)
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed