Cosmetic Dentistry in Hot Springs, AR
Health Beauty Comfort


Women’s Oral Health: A Whole-Health Issue

In recent years, the physical, social, and health issues that women face in their daily lives have been making headlines. Campaigns like “Real Beauty” and “Go Red for Women” have made Dove a household name and have been extremely successful at spreading awareness. However, the impact oral health has on women’s overall health and self-esteem has gone largely unrecognized. More

Women’s Oral Health: A Whole-Health Issue

Eat and Smile Strong: 5 foods (and wine!) for healthy teeth

When it comes to your oral health, you’ve probably received a lot of information about what not to eat and drink in order to maintain a healthy, bright white smile. Sugary treats, sticky sweets, and foods that are hard and crunchy can all cause decay or chip and break your pearly whites. More

Eat and Smile Strong: 5 foods (and wine!) for healthy teeth

Why Men Are at Greater Risk of Oral Health Problems

As the new hottest trend “Dad Bod” suggests, recent surveys and studies show that men are less likely to take care of their physical health than women. This holds true for their oral health. In fact, one of the greatest risk factors for infrequent trips to the dentist is simply being male. More

Why Men Are at Greater Risk of Oral Health Problems

Pregnancy and Your Oral Health

There’s a bit of folk wisdom that calcium is lost from the teeth of pregnant women during pregnancy. Thankfully, this myth is just that — a myth. It is a useful warning to expectant mothers, however, that they may experience some changes in their oral health because of their pregnancy and the accompanying surge of hormones. In particular, gum tissues may respond differently to plaque, and women with gingivitis are likely to see their condition worsen during pregnancy. More

Pregnancy and Your Oral Health

5 Myths About Root Canals Debunked

If you were recently informed that you need a root canal, chances are the minute you left your dentist’s office, you immediately began scouring the Internet for information on this well-known — but highly misunderstood — dental service. The Internet can be a great place to gather helpful information, but it is also plagued by unreliable sources and dangerously inaccurate information that can lead unknowing online researchers astray. More

5 Myths About Root Canals Debunked
Contact Porter Dental Health

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Dr. Porter and Dr. Will, along with their team are are highly qualified and trusted in this community. With over 200 5-star reviews online, our competence and credibility can’t be doubted. So don’t wait to call. Make an appointment today!

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Dental Health Office in Hot Springs, AR

1919 Malvern Avenue
Hot Springs, AR 71901

  • Monday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • (lunch 12-1pm)
  • Thursday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Friday By Appointment Only
  • (may vary in the Summer)
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed